250+Get well soon wishes Massages in English

Get Well Soon Massages Quotes 

1.Be the sky above you,
Blue soft be the road below you,
Affection be the breeze around you,
I pray all the happiness surrounds you.
Get Well Soon

2.May the little flowers lying in gloom,
Rise and bloom, swaying endlessly,
this way and that way,
morn to dusk everyday, Get well soon.

3.Heard that you"re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!

4.I hope you're feeling better,
I miss you every day.
I'm always thinking of you,
So this is what I say,
Get Well Soon!

5.Get well quick, u lazy bum,
There's lots of work to do.
If u stay sick, it's more work for me,
And I'd rather it was for u.

6.You are feeling down
and so am i with u NOT around.
Hope you get back in
the swing of things real soon.

7.Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
running and back at garden again.
The place just isn"t the same without you.

8.Why u ch0ose this particular time to get sick,
Seems to us an insensitive choice.
So don't be so selfish; don't be a sloth;
Come back so we all can rejuice!
We Miss You!and pray for you to get well soon

9.I am praying that you get well soon
and receive all the comfort and encouragement
that you need in the meantime.
Wishing for your speedy recovery!

10.I very well know the reason,
why u r taking too long to recover,
u r realy being nurse-d there.
joke a part, but still,
wishing u speedy recovery

Get Well Soon Wishes For Brother

11.Sending my heartfelt wishes and hope that you have the first recovery. May you get back to life sooner, Brother!

12.Although everything is the same, still there's something lacking. And gradually I realized it's you. Miss you so much and get well soon.

13.Sending all my loves and rapid healing wishes to the best brother in the world. Hope you swing to life very soon. Get well soon.

14.This bad phase would also pass away gradually; just hold believe in you and have patience. May God allow you a speedy recovery and get well really soon!

15.I miss your lively appearance and that pretty smile you hold always on your face. All I wish magic happen and you get back to normal life again.

16.May the gleam of God shine on you and heal you from the deep without leaving any illness behind!

17.All I wish that God grand you always with good health and cheerful laughter. May you come out of this bad phase very soon!

18.May God bestow you with strength and patience to fight with your illness and win over it! Get well soon.

19.Dear bro, may you feel the warmth of fever once again through my warmest regards! Hope to see you soon and wishing you a rapid recovery.

20.It seems that you're getting attached to your hospital bed. Come on bro, fight for your recovery and get back home soon.

21.Since I got to know about your sickness, all I’m doing is praying to God to grant you comfort, strength and a speedy recovery.

22.I’m praying for you all day and night for your good health. May God send angels to you and bring to you healthiness right from the heaven!

23.May God make you stronger and healthier through this process of sickness as trees get deeper roots with every storm!

Get Well Soon Wishes For Sister

24.I know you are a brave girl. Never lose hope. Very soon, God will grant you all the strength to overcome your illness! Get well soon.

25.Sending you all the warm wishes with flowers and hugs, so that they bring you a cheerful day and make you feel better and healthier. Get well soon.

26.Seeing you sick is the most painful experience for me, but I believe that you have the strength to get over your sickness. Get well soon.

27.I wish you a long life and quick recovery. May you win over your illness! Get well soon my sister.

28.I am missing your presence and smiling face around me all the time. May you get a quick recovery and come back home soon!

29.Home is empty, smiles are gone, life is on the pause mode when my sister is sick-abed; Get well soon dear.

30.May God send an angel to my angel and bestow her with care and healing power! Get well soon dear little sis.

31.You are the strongest girl ever, who knows how to vanquish all the tough times in life, and I believe this time, you will rock too. Get well soon.

32.It is all right to be sick sometime so that you can grab everyone's attention. May you get well soon!

33.I am enjoying all the foods at home alone as there’s no competition left here; though something is missing. That’s why I want you to get well soon.

34.Life is good when there is nobody to make you annoyed, although I want you to get healed quickly and come back because there is no fun without you.

35.Hey, Sis if you won’t come back home soon, I am going to have this summer trip all alone. So, you better get well soon.

36.I just don’t hope all my warm wishes make you feel the warmth of your last night fever again! Sending you a lot of hug with lots of love.

37.You’re the queen of bad humor and ironically I’m missing you! So get back home after a quick recovery. May you feel better!

38.Don’t lose hope. You’ll be back to us healthy and kicking very soon!

39.We are eagerly waiting to see you annoy us with your stupidity, so get well soon.

40.Sickness does not last forever. Have patience and faith in God and you will recover soon.

41.I have faith in you that you are strong enough to fight any sickness.

42.Hope to see you next morning after a speedy recovery.

43.It is so painful to see you sick but I know you will fight back and get well soon.

44.All I pray to Lord Jesus that he give you strength and patience to overcome this tough time. May you get back to healthy life very soon!

45.I wish something magical happens and all your sickness just vanish. Have faith in God. The day you are fully recovered is near.

46.All I wish for you is a fast recovery, a smiling face, and a healthy life. May God bestow you with faith, patience and hope to get well soon.

47.Ever since you’ve become sick, my prayer has been all about your rapid recovery and swinging back to your healthy and happy life.

48.Ever since you’ve become sick, my prayer has been all about your rapid recovery and swinging back to your healthy and happy life.

49.May Almighty end your sickness soon and bring us back the sunshine of our life.

Get Well Soon Wishes For Husband

50.Without you every second is like a month for me. How you can be lying in the hospital bed without me! I cannot see you there. Please get well soon for me!

51.The hardest thing for me is to see you lying in the hospital’s bed! I am feeling so lonely without you. Get well soon my love!

52.Without you every second is like a month for me. How you can be lying in the hospital bed without me! I cannot see you there. Please get well soon for me!

53.At night, when I saw towards the sky I can see that the stars are not shining. I asked them what is the reason? They told me that the reason is your sickness! Get well soon my lovely hubby!

54.Sometimes we cannot understand the reason for being unwell. I could not even think how life will be without you for a few seconds. Get well soon honey! Without you I’m incomplete.

55.Dear hubby, our love is stronger than any virus and bacteria. You need to stay strong and fight back hard. So my wishes and prayer for you get well soon dear! Waiting for you.

56.Every night when I wake up I cannot see you at my side! It’s hurting me so my dear. Come back to me very soon. Praying for your fast recovery!

57.Every night when I wake up I cannot see you at my side! It’s hurting me so my dear. Come back to me very soon. Praying for your fast recovery!

58.Do you know the flowers in our garden are looking very unhappy? The birds have also stopped singing. It’s because of you! Why are you in the hospital? Come back soon among us. Wishing your fast recovery

59.Dear, I hope you are much better now than before. I cannot wait to see you at home! Get well soon my love! I love you!

60.I don’t care about my life. I don’t see any meaning of life without you! So. every time, in any situation I’m there beside you. I love you so much. Get well soon honey!

61.Though I’m physically well, but I’m mentally unwell because of your sickness! Honey, my everything misses you whole. Praying for your fast recovery my love come back soon!

62.Feeling unwell is normal dear! Keep one thing in mind that no germs, no bacteria can separate me from you when the entire world couldn’t separate us! Wishing for your fast recovery!

63.What are you doing in the hospital for so long? Are there beautiful nurses? I’m warning you to get well soon and get back home as soon as possible.

64.Sweetheart! Without you, everything is getting bored. It will be continued if you don’t get well soon. Wishing for your good health and fast recovery.

65.I wish if kisses and hugs are the medicine I were the source of your medicine my dear! But it never happened. So get well soon my love by taking proper medicine!

66.If you come out from your sickness very soon I’ll give you a surprise gift. But it has a time limit. So, now it’s your choice that whether you want the gift or not. Get well soon my love.

67.My love! I’m the queen of your house and you are the king. And without the king, queen become incomplete. So, come back soon beside the queen. Praying for your fast recovery dear!

68.Though you are sick you looking cute in the hospital bed! Get back in our own bed so I can see you all the time. Get well soon my lovely hubby!

69.My face will not get back its smile until you are in the hospital bed. You are my happiness, my love! All day I praying for you. Get well soon dear!

70.I wish I can transmit my all energy to you so you can get well soon! I miss you in every moment, dear! Get well soon and come back home!

71.Sweetheart! Probably I cannot take care of your right now but I think the doctor will take great care of yours! We have submitted you to the top physician. So, Get well soon!

72.Today when I saw towards the sky I saw a rainbow! It means something special has happened! Praying for your good health and speedy recovery my hubby!

73.Now it’s time for positive thoughts my love! You completed your treatment and it’s a great news for me. I wish I can see you at home soon. Wishing your speedy recovery!

74.Sickness is a chance of taking rest! Don’t be upset dear! I’m always with you all the time. Be brave! Get well soon please.

Get Well Soon Wishes For Wife

Get- well-soon
75.My heart cannot wait to see you healthy and cheerful again. Get well soon my love.

76.Get well soon sweetheart. It is unbearable to see you like this. May God bless you with good health soon''

77.This is indeed the toughest time for both of us. We need to be strong. The treatment is going well. I want you home as soon as possible. Get well soon honey.

78.My heart is always thinking of you and praying for your speedy recovery. Love you, babe.

79.Darling, I am trying to be strong, but it is not possible without you. I can’t see you like this. I pray for your recovery all the time. Get well soon my dear wife.

80.I wish for a magic pill that could cure all your disease in a fraction of a second. I pray for your good health all the time. I wish for your quick recovery, my love.

81.This is indeed the toughest time f
or both of us. We need to be strong. The treatment is going well. I want you home as soon as possible. Get well soon honey.

82.I wish I could be there beside you all the time. The kids and I are praying for your quick recovery. Please get well soon as soon as possible. Home is not home without you.

83.Do not be sad and gloomy. I am here to ease your pain with my love, dear. Have a swift recovery love.

84.Get well soon. I can’t wait to see you healthy and happy again. I miss your kisses and hugs!

85.Get well soon darling. Rest well, honey so you can be up and about ASAP. You have my heart; it won’t be cured until you come round

86.Get well soon my one and only. I need your kisses and missing you more than anything. I need you right beside me always. I love you, darling.

87.I wish I could suck all your pain and sufferings. Feels so bad to see you like this. Have a speedy recovery dear.

88.Regretting not being a magician now. It would come in handy to take your sufferings away. Get well soon wifey.

89.Regretting not being a magician now. It would come in handy to take your sufferings away. Get well soon wifey.

90.Get well soon my one and only. I need your kisses and missing you more than anything. I need you right beside me always. I love you, darling.

91.You are my brave lady, and I know you will give a hard fight to this illness. Get well soon, sweetheart.

92.I am sick of missing you in my arms. May God bless you with good health soon dear wifey.

93.I wish my hug and kisses could heal you and ease your pain. Get well soon love.

94.I think by the time you will get around, I will fall sick for missing you dreadfully. Please get well soon. I am missing kissing your lips and pulling your cheeks. Hugs baby.

95.I can't see my lovely wife taking bitter pills. I wish you good health and lots and lots of love. I am praying for your speedy recovery, darling.

96.If I were a doctor, either my warm hugs were medicine, kisses and cuddles were home remedies, I would be nursing my beloved wife 24/7. Get well soon love.
I hate flu and sickness because these keep my dear wife away from me. I realized how much I miss you. Please come home soon. I love you.

97.I can’t wait to hold your hands and kiss your cheeks. Please come home soon. I can’t live without you. Love you. Feel better soon!

98.The best remedy for your disease is my love. Come home and enjoy this special supplement with your prescribed medicine. Get well soon my love!

99.My kingdom is in the dark because my queen is sick. Get well soon beautiful. I cannot bear to see you like this anymore.

100.Sweetheart, you take care of me so well always, and now it’s my turn to take better care of you. Wishing you a fast recovery.

101.Sweetheart, you take care of me so well always, and now it’s my turn to take better care of you. Wishing you a fast recovery.

102.Sending my best wishes and prayers to you during this darkest time. May each new day bring you closer to a full recovery!

103.I wish I could kill that illness residing in your body and end your sufferings, dear wife. Have a speedy recovery and take my love.

104.God loves you very much and this illness is just a test from Him. Never lose hope and keep your faith in God. He will ease your pain sooner than you think. Take care.

105.May dear lord ease your pain and bless you with a speedy recovery. I miss you running around sweetheart. Hope you feel better soon.

106.My heart, I wish you well a thousand times a day. I pray to God for your recovery all the time. Brush off sickness and come round because my darling, the world is waiting for you to conquer her.

107.Get well soon dear wife so you can start bringing delight and brightness to our lives again. Stay strong and win a victory over this sickness.

108.My heart aches to look at you in this state. My suffering is not any less than you my dear love. Hope you get well soon and give me a hug.

109.Look outside my love; the sun is also wishing you a quick recovery. We all are praying for you. You will get round in no time.

110.The surgery was a success, and the doctors confirmed that you would be alright in a very short time. This news made my day, sweetheart. Get well soon. The home and I need you.

111.The doctor told me about your new diet, so all the pizzas are only for me for the next few weeks. Get well soon, love. Eating pizza is boring without you.

112.The vacation plans are still on. So kick the butt of sickness and get well soon. I'm missing you more than anything, and right here I'm waiting to see you in good health again.

113.Sweety, all the neighbors are gossiping that the only thing you know better than anyone else is getting sick. Don't think that I'm kidding you. Now please, get well soon and slap those poor souls with your cute smile.

114.The surgery was a success, and the doctors confirmed that you would be alright in a very short time. This news made my day, sweetheart. Get well soon. The home and I need you.

115.I decided to buy a get well soon card and some flowers then realized it could be allergic to you. So I changed my decision and saved the money for a candlelight dinner. Please, get better soon my love.

116.I have petitioned to God for your early recovery, so get well soon darling, or else I will not talk to you. Hahaha, kidding. I love you.

117.I am praying for your speedy recovery from this illness. God will heal you as soon as possible. Just hope for the best.

118.I wish my kisses could heal you. I miss you, sweetheart. Get better soon my love.

Get Well Soon Wishes For Father

119.Dad, your sickness shows us how incomplete we are without you here. Our home isn't home now without its king! Please get well soon.

120.My heart is in pain. Nothing can cure it but seeing you healthy again. Get well soon my remedies of everything!

121.I have stopped eating my favorite food. Because without you it's all tasteless. Get well soon, papa. We will eat together.

122.Dad, when I go to your room, the emptiness kills me. Get well soon and return home quickly.

123.I'm missing you every moment of every day. Come and drive away from the loneliness I'm dying to see your smiling face. Get well soon, Dad.

124.A hero faces many trials but never fails. You are my hero and super dad. I know you will be again in sound health. Just stay strong and get better soon!.

125.Just knock you to inform that I'm going to set for the exam and all the papers are tough to toughest. How could I give my best without you? Come home and teach me. Get well soon papa.

126.It is said that “An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away”. I will give you an apple every day so that I don’t have to see you these days anymore. I love you, feel better soon.

127.I'm really astonished to see you so cheerful even in the sick bed. In the meantime, I realize that why not when my dad is the real Superman. Get well soon dad.

128.You know dad, the doctors are very lucky as they are treating a wonderful person. Make them sad by getting well soon.

129.In these days of your sickness, I get to know how much I love you. Really, your absence of this short period makes me more caring to you. I promise to be the best son/daughter of yours. You have to just get well soon.

130.The way a father understands his son, no one can. I have tons of things to tell you but you just busy lying on the hospital bed. When can we talk and share our thoughts? Get well soon dad.

131.You always scolded me for my messy room. I have cleaned my room. Come and see dad. I miss you. Get well soon.

132.To the best Dad ever! I know I can’t take care of you as you took mine. But I love you as you love me. Get well soon dad.

133.Since childhood, you surprised me with your magic tricks. Now, it's the final turn to make me do believe that was true magic. Please, do some favor and make yourself back to being lively again, and now!

134.A father is an idol for his son. I want to be just like you. Still, I have to learn a lot of things from you. Get better soon and continue to raise me up as like you!

135.Dad I have brought your bike. I miss those days when you gave me a lift to my college. I want to ride again with you. Get well soon.

136.Daddy your princess misses you very much. Your kingdom is void without you. Get well soon.

137.My loving dad, it's hurting me seeing you lying on the hospital bed. Don't take too much time to recover from this sickness either it will be hard for me to mend my broken heart. Wishing you a fast recovery!

138.Next holiday I promise to go fishing with you. Now get well soon. I'm waiting for you dad.

139.May Almighty give you the full recovery and give me chances to play with you again. I'm earnestly praying for your fast and easy recovery.

140.Dad, there is nobody to comb my hair as you did. The way you made ponytail is the best style. You are my hairstylist. I miss you so much. Get well soon.

141.Dad, once my doll was broken. You fixed that and said to me, “Never Give Up”. I still follow your advice. I know you will not give up. Get well soon.

142.Daddy, your little princess has grown up. Now it’s time for me to take care of you. I will try my best to take care of you like a mother. Get well soon and give a chance to take care of you.

Get Well Soon Wishes For Mother

143.Dear Mom, today I’ve realized that I miss your voice so much. Every morning you used to tell us what to do or what not to do for all the day. But why you don’t talk to me today? It’s hard for me to see you lying on the hospital bed! Get well very soon mom!

144.Mom, without you we are incomplete. Our home is like a dessert! We miss the way you took care of us! We miss your delicious cooking! Please get well soon and come back at home! We love you a lot, mom!

145.How are you, Mom? You know, every single moment I miss you! When I came to know about your illness I start praying for your fast and easy recovery. Get well soon mom!

146.Mom, I’m sorry! I couldn’t come to see you. But believe me, you are always in my heart! I love you, mom! I miss your voice. Please get well soon!

147.Seeing you lying in the hospital bed is the saddest moment ever in my life. I can’t stay home without you mom! I always pray for your fast recovery! Get well soon!

148.Your absence makes everyone sad! Get better soon because we need you, Mom! We love you!

149.Dear mommy, when I wake up in the morning and don’t find you beside me, that is the saddest moment of my day! I can’t wait! Please get well soon for me!

150.Mom, I know you are not feeling well right now! Don’t worry, please. I’ll pray for you all day and night. May Allah recover you fast! Get well soon mom!

151.Dear mom, I wish I had some sort of magic. By which I can make all your pain and sufferings that you have right now just go away! But since I can’t give you a tight hug right now, I can only pray to god that he makes you feel better! Love you, mom! Get well soon!

152.Mom, I can’t look at your bed! Without you, it looks like scrambling! Get well soon Mom!

153.Hospital isn’t the right place you. Why are you even there? I don’t even know how to eat without you or sleep without you. I can’t do anything without you mom! Please get well soon!

154.Mom, why don’t you call me? I’m waiting for your one phone call. I miss your voice very much. Get well soon mom!

155.I know you are thinking of us while closing your eyes? Do you think about me? I’m thinking about you all day long. When you come back home? I’m waiting for you. Get well soon!

156.I know you are getting bored in the hospital bed mom? But don’t worry! We all are beside you. We wish you’ll get well soon!

157.Even the hospitals need some sunshine. So they want to keep you here a little longer. But I told them that it’s not possible. So, you are going home soon dear. By the way, I wish you an even faster recovery. Get well soon mom!

158.Mom we are sending you a lot of wishes and a lot of positive energy for your fast recovery. Get well soon mom!

159.How are you mom? How are you feeling right now? I can’t stay beside you at this moment. I feel very sorry for that mom! Please don’t be worried, mom! Wish you a fast recovery!

160.Please take care of yourself mom. I’ll see you soon at home. Get well soon!

161.Mom I want to test your delicious cooking again! I miss your smile which is the most valuable thing ever! Get well soon mom!

162.How much I love you now I realize that in every single moment mom! I miss your presence in every corner of our house. Get well soon and come back home!

163.Mom, you are my world. Without you everything getting bored. I wish you’ll come back home soon. Get well soon mom!

164.Mom, I know you don’t feel well right now. But always keep in mind that we all are with you. Be strong mom! I wish you get well soon!

165.Mom, when I look at my phone I miss you! You don’t call me. Then I remember how you can possibly call me while lying on the hospital bed mom! I continuously pray for you! I pray for your fast recovery. Get well soon mom!

166.Do you know mom? I feel very lonely without you! I miss the moments when we used to watch movies together, you used to tell funny stories, and we were eating together and everything But now you are a bit sick. Get well soon mom! I miss you!

167.Mom, Do you know every day when I go to sleep, I miss you so! Without you, there is no one who tells me its midnight, now time to sleep. I miss you every morning because no one tells me it’s too late. Every moment I miss your presence! Get well soon mom!

Get Well Soon Massages For Boss

168.The whole workplace is sorry to hear about your health. We are sending you good wishes and hope you get well soon.

169.Boss, We were sad to hear about your illness. We miss your presence, please get well really soon.

170.Boss, it hurts to hear about your illness. We all feel your absence. We all wish your quick recovery! Get well soon!

171.In your absence, we are realizing how valuable and instrumental your guidance was for our success. We wish you a quick recovery and hope to see you soon in good health.

172.You had taught us over the years how to deal with difficulties and we believe you will prove us once again how much mentally strong of a person you are. Get well soon Boss. We are waiting for you.

173.We all are praying for you. I hope you’ll come back soon sir!

174.We want you to know how much we miss your presence at the workplace. Come back to us in good health and lead us with harmony like you always did. Get Well Soon Dear Boss.

175.The message is to let you know that I miss your leadership. I miss your presence Boss! Get well soon!

176.We are always here to take care of your company but we request you to take care of yourself at this moment. Wish you a quick recovery.,

177.The captain of our ship has fallen sick and we, the sailors are waiting for the right direction. Because no one can guide us to success like you do. Hope you get well soon Boss.

178.Every day when I enter the office and before sitting in my seat I meet you first. The day after it has turned into my habit. But now as you are ill, I miss your presence a lot all the time. Get well soon my dear boss!

179.You are our true friend, idol, and leader. We miss your presence a lot. Get better soon, sir!

180.I wish I could fall sick the same time with you so that we could use this sick leave as the coolest vacation ever. Miss you at work. Have a speedy recovery dear.

181.I wish I could fall sick the same time with you so that we could use this sick leave as the coolest vacation ever. Miss you at work. Have a speedy recovery dear.

182.Dear friend, your absence in the office means you are just an absent employee for the company, an absent colleague for the others and a missing member of a group. But for me, you are everything that makes office interesting. Get well soon dear!

183.Boss, we heard about your illness. Without you, the office has become so boring! Wishing your fast recovery!

184.Get well soon dear! We want to see you as a healthy, happy and smiling person as always!

185.Dear, don’t be sad in this situation, be happy instead! Enjoy this break until you feel well. Wish your fast recovery!

186.There are so many people around me. But among them, I find the one. You are the one to me. You are not only my colleague but also my friend. I miss you a lot. Come back soon in the office!

187.I know you are sick but don’t be sad, dear boss. It is temporary. We all are praying for you all the time. Best wishes to you!

188.Get well soon dear! We want to see you as a healthy, happy and smiling person as always!

189.There are so many people around me. But among them, I find the one. You are the one to me. You are not only my colleague but also my friend. I miss you a lot. Come back soon in the office!

190.I’m getting jealous! Everyone is busy taking care of you. Please don’t make it long. Get back soon dear. By the way, I miss your presence every moment. Recover soon!

191.You are a winner more than a fighter. We have every reason to believe that you will fight the sickness and come back as a winner. Wish your fast and quick recovery dear!

192.Dear Boss, without you the office seems incomplete. Come back soon and wish you a fast recovery!

193.You are like the wheel of a bus. We cannot go round and round all through the town without you. Get well Soon dear.

194.The workplace is not really the same without you because only you could make us want to go back to that boring place every day. Have a quick recovery and make the office a fun place again.

195.You are not here to share my workload and that’s what upsets me the most. Have a speedy recovery dear colleague.

196.I wish I could fall sick the same time with you so that we could use this sick leave as the coolest vacation ever. Miss you at work. Have a speedy recovery dear.

197.I wish I could fall sick the same time with you so that we could use this sick leave as the coolest vacation ever. Miss you at work. Have a speedy recovery dear.

198.You are my only perfect gossip partner. I miss you and miss our coffee breaks full of great conversations. Get well soon dearest co-worker and come, help me to survive this boring workplace.

199.We all are here to wish you a speedy recovery. We just cannot wait to see you smiling again.

200.I’m sorry to hear you’re ill. We miss your presence! Hope you get well soon Boss.

201.We are so sorry to hear about your present situation. We hope you get over it as soon as possible and bring back with you the same positivity that you always do. Take Care.

202.You have always guided us well and trusted in our potentiality, but it is too hard to work here without your lead. I hope your health improves soon and you come back to us in no time.

203.Boss, We were sad to hear about your illness. We miss your presence, please get well really soon.

204.Dear Boss, without you we are nothing but a boat with no direction! We need you a lot. Come back to us sir! We all love you and miss your presence. Get well soon!

Get Well Soon Massages For

205.I'm dying to meet you from when I got to know you're admitted to the hospital. Sending all my loves and wishes of fast healing before me. You'll be OK!

206.The news of your sickness was so unexpected and saddening. I can’t resist myself from coming to you and not going anywhere till you feel better. You’ll be fine.

207.I can feel your pain my dear! I miss your presence everywhere! Without you, the house has become empty. I miss you so badly. So get well soon and come back to me as early as possible my hubby!

208.I feel so alive when I am with you.
But now that you’re not feeling well,
I’m missing you bad and I’m thinking
about those times that we’re happy together.

209.I am longing to see those lively
smiling face of yours. Get well soon,

210.I know being sick is awful.
So here I am to cheer you up and
put some smile on your face.
Please take care and get well soon.

211.Lord, touch my friend in the forehead
and release him out of his illness.
He is so dear to me and
I don’t want to see him sick.

212.Even though u’re not feeling ur best
With a little time, good care & rest
It won’t be long until the happy day
When u’re feeling fine in every way

213.Early in the morning sun rise with many hopes
But it’s set hopelessly.
It signals that you are not fooling well.
So get well soon!

214.Yesterday’s a cancelled check,
Tomorrow’s a promissory note,
But today is cash, spend it wisely.

215.You mean a lot to me....
and so does your Health and Happiness.
So Here's a wish to say
& Take good care of Yourself !

216.Y you chose this particular time 2 get sick,
Seems 2 us an insensitive choice.
So don’t b so selfish; dont b a sloth;
Come back so we all can rejuice!
We Miss u! Nd pray 4 u to get well soon

217.The power of love to change bodies is legendary,
Built into folklore, common sense, and everyday experience.
Love moves the flesh, it pushes matter around….
Throughout history, tender loving care has uniformly been
Recognized as a valuable element in healing

218.You Mean alot to me….
And so does your Health and Happiness…..
So Here”s a wish to say….
Take good care of Yourself

219.When you feel that
God is Rubbing U against Rocks
Do not lose Hope
The Truth is that
He Is Polishing a Diamond
Stay Precious!
God bless u always n get well soon.

220.It isn’t always easy,
But when you’re not feeling well…
Hope it helps to know others are thinking of you…
And hoping that you’ll be better very soon.
Take good care of yourself.

221.There are no mistakes, no coincidences
All events are blessings given to us to learn
A journey of a thousand miles started with only one step
Good Luck

222.Heard that you are not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to make you
Feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!

223.U Mean A Lot To Me . . .
Nd So Does ur Health nd Happiness . . .
So Here’s A Wish To Say . . .
And Take Gud Care Ov urself !!

224.This messages, has health-giving powers
And I’ve made it, just for you
I certainly feel much better
And I hope that you do, too..
Get Well Soon

225.U can get
New Job
New Car
New girlfriend
But u can’t get any thing
Without “good health”
As the saying is
“Health is Wealth”
So hope u will
“Get well soon”

226.Evey thing is boring
Without U
Nothing is same as B4
We all miss U
All hearts are praying 4 ur
Good health
Hope U will
“get well soon”
and join us back

227.As rain covers the sun.
Truth covers the lies.
Angels cover the evil.
Flowers cover the garden.
I wish and pray
that happiness covers all the
worries of your life.
Get well soon dear….

228.Happiness as light as air,
my wishes 4 u 2day n everyday
Get Well Soon

229.Don’t b so selfish; don’t b a sloth;
Come back, so we all can rejoice!
We Miss U! And pray 4 U 2 get well soon!

230.Get Ur sorry behind of that bed.
Try positive thinking 2 get back to work.
Your illness is all in Ur head!
At least that’s what we hope.
@@@Get Well Soon@@@

231.God has the power to redeem every thing,
So like you,
Thanks him and pray for his goodness in your favor,
Never forget god in any tension,
Get well soon...

232.I wish I had a magic wand
To make it go away;
I’d wave my scepter over u
Until u were okay.
Get well soon.

233.Hope his happy get-well note
Adds sunshine to ur day
And shows u that you’re thought of
In a warm and special way!
Get Well Soon

234.When u feel that
God is Rubbing you against Rocks
Do not lose Hope
The Truth is that
He Is Polishing a Diamond
Stay Precious!
God bless u always and get well soon.

235.Even though you’re not feeling ur best
With a little time, good care & rest
It won’t be long until the happy day
When you’re feeling fine in every way.
Ger well soon dear.

236.May d Little Flower,
Laying In Gloom,
Rise and Bloom,
Swaying Endlessly,
This Way and That Way,
Morn To Dusk,
Everyday. Get Well Soon!

237.Hope you are up & Splashing Soon.
Get Well Soon!
Hope you
Get Back in the swing of things real soon.
all best wishes for you:)

238.Tackle life with all your skills
Overcome each and every hill
If u persist with all your will
U will enjoy your life and all its thrills.
Get Well Soon!

239.Tonight all the stars came out to play a signal
But all of them are not shining,
Because they all know my friend is sick.
Get Well Soon!

240.Heard that you”re not feeling well.
So brought flowers for you to
make you feel Healthier and Happier.
Get Well Soon!

241.The cross of Christ
shows us that God’s love
is of deepest descent…
universal distribution and
of eternal duration.
Get well soon

242.I hope you’re feeling better,
I miss you every day.
I’m always thinking of you,
So this is what I say,
Get Well Soon!

243.Why u choose this particular time to get sick,
Seems to us an insensitive choice.
So don’t be so selfish; don’t be a sloth;
Come back so we all can rejoice!
We Miss You!and pray for you to get well soon

244.Let’s go, get up, stop faking it,
Get your sorry behind off that bed,
Try positive thinking to get back to work,
Your illness is all in your head,
At least that’s what we hope,
Looking forward to your return.

245.The best six doctors anywhere
And no one can deny it
Are sunshine, water, rest, and air
Exercise and diet.
These six will gladly you attend
If only you are willing
Your mind they'll ease

246.Your will they'll mend
And charge you not a shilling. - Wayne Fields

247.May U May Not Get Well That Soon,
So That U Are Able To Enjoy The Company Of The Demsels 
And Get Injected At Regular Intervals With The Vial Of Life!
So Would U Call Me Your Enemy Or Ur Well Wisher?
Please Tell Me Even I Don't Know.

248.If wishes were flowers
I’d send You a big bunch to say….
Get Well Soon

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